Implementation Unit
- Updating and improving internal strategies for the application of the principles contained in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct, also in response to suggestions received from researchers working at UNICAM;
- Monitoring and collecting documentation on the concrete application of the strategies identified, and on their effectiveness;
- Identifying and proposing performance indicators, useful for comparison with external EU evaluators, for the assessment of the degree of implementation of the University actions;
- Studying communication strategies useful for updating and ensuring the awareness of all staff members on HRS4R issues.
Members currently in office and their roles
ANNA MARIA ELEUTERI - Rector’s Delegate for policies related to Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (Coordinator)
STEFANIA SILVI - President of the Committee for Equal Opportunities, Wellbeing at Work, and Against Discrimination and Mobbing
ROBERTO SPURIO - Rector’s Delegate for Research analysis and communication
SARA SPUNTARELLI - Deputy Rector with responsibility for People, Wellbeing and Opportunities
ANDREA BRASCHI - Director General or Delegate of Director General
CLAUDIA VITTURINI, FRANCESCA POMPEI - Early-Stage Researchers appointed by the Rector (on the recommendation of the Coordinator)
FLAVIO STIMILLI, GIULIA D’AGNONE - Fixed-Term Researchers appointed by the Rector (on the recommendation of the Coordinator)
STEFANIA PUCCIARELLI, ANGELA TRAPANANTI - Professors/Full-Time Researchers appointed by the Rector (on the recommendation of the Coordinator)
ANNALISA ALBANESI - Chief of the University Library system
LORENZO DI NELLO - University Library system and open science
ROBERTA BUDASSI - Officer of press and Communication unit
MELISSA MANCINI - Officer of Research, Technology transfer and Project Management (ARIPRO)
ANNA SILANO, EMANUELA LALISCIA - Officers of Human Resources Unit
CAMILLA PEPE - Officer of International Welcome Office
FABRIZIO QUADRANI - Quality Assurance Officer
ISABELLA CALZOLARI - Officer of the School of Advanced Studies
ARIANNA BARTOLETTI - Officer of Sustainability unit
RICCARDO STRINA - Chief of Research and Technology Transfer Area
The new composition of the HRS4R Implementation Unit is effective as of 12 december 2023 (Rector’s Decree 611/2023 of 11/12/2023)
Coordinator of the HRS4R Implementation
Anna Maria Eleuteri
Rector’s Delegate for policies related to Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (Coordinator) (link sends e-mail)
Tel. +39 0737 - 403267 - 403247
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